"5/1987 - Ackerman" As part of Ackerman Elementary School's Pioneer Days, three young girls pose together in their dresses and bonnets. Part of Inlow Hall that is being encroached upon by ivy is visible in the background.
"5/1987 - Ackerman" During Ackerman Elementary School's Pioneer Days, a farmer gives a presentation to the children. Part of Inlow Hall that is being encroached upon by ivy is visible in the background.
"Dec. 1934 - Lucy Days - La Grande" "The Spot to Bay Hardware and Paints [white sign, middle of businesses on opposite side of street] - Hardware Store was established by Ed Hackman who was formally a salesman for Honeyman Hardware Co. in Portland -…
"Parade of ox drawn covered wagons - La Grande, Oregon" [Have additional 5x7 photograph with short, typed, story:] "May 27, 1939 - La Grand Reverts to Pioneer Days! La Grande went back in years today to the roaring days of '69, with businessmen and…