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- Tags: 17th Tact Recon Sqdn
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Photo Lab, Mixing Chemicals
"The Photo Section - 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn - Al Gertz and Alan Countryman mixing chemicals" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Mixing Chemicals. Cpl Albert Gertz (left) and Pfc Allan (A.J.) Countryman prepare stock solutions for the Photo Lab. Developer…
Biak Camp, Orderly Room
"17th Tactical Recon Sqdn Orderly Room tent at Biak"
Tags: 17th Tact Recon Sqdn, Camps, Geelvink Bay, Orderly room, Tents
Biak Camp, US Flag 2
"17th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 71st Group. 5th AF -- The Orderly Room tent and flag pole"
Tags: 17th Tact Recon Sqdn, 5th AF, 71st Group, Camps, Flag pole, Flags, Geelvink Bay, Jeeps, Orderly room, Tents, US flag
Biak Camp, Photo Section
"Tent home of some Photo section men on Biak - 17th tactical Reconnaissance Squadron"
Tags: 17th Tact Recon Sqdn, Barrell, Camps, Geelvink Bay, Laundry, Photo section, Tents
Biak Camp, Enlisted Tents
"Enlisted men's tent area on Biak"
Tags: 17th Tact Recon Sqdn, Camps, Enlisted tents, Geelvink Bay, Tents
Biak Camp Overview
"Overview of 17th Tact. Recon Camp on Biak. Service Tents - Generator and gasoline drums in foreground. Metal roof of Mess hall in distance on left"
Tags: 17th Tact Recon Sqdn, Camps, Gasoline drums, Geelvink Bay, Generator, Jeeps, Tents
Japanese Well Drilling Rig 3
"Japanese well drilling apparatus left behind as they were driven back. Being used by U.S. to drill a well for fresh water at 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn camp site at Biak Island - Dutch New Guinea"
KP Duty 2
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn enlisted men washing their mess kits - Coleman immersion heaters kept water Very Hot in clean metal garbage cans" Mess Hall in background.
Japanese Well Drilling Rig 1
"Japanese well drilling rig being used in the 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn camp area on Biak"
Biak Camp Movie Theater
"The 17th Tact. Redon Sqdn's movie theater on Biak. Men provided their own seating, some quite elaborate. Men from other units were welcome, but behind the pole fence" From "Darkroom Soldier": "17th Squdron Movie Theater. Hill and his fellow soldiers…