Browse Items (42375 total)

1970 Employees, Ackerman Elementary School, Office 02
Two images of staff working in an office to organize papers and file boxes of curriculum folders. In this case, "Word Recognition."

1970 Ackerman Elementary School, Children at School 04
"Children in school" Four images of students accessing file folders, bulletin boards, and sign-up sheets.

1970 Ackerman Elementary School, Children at School 03
"Children in school" Four images of students accessing file folders, bulletin boards, and sign-up sheets.

1970 Ackerman Elementary School, Children at School 02
"Children in school" Four images of students accessing file folders, bulletin boards, and sign-up sheets.

1970 Ackerman Elementary School, Audiovisual Equipment 02
"Children in school" Two images of children using various audio and visual equipment.

1970 Ackerman Elementary School, Classroom 03
"Children in school" Three images of children reading, searching through encyclopedias, and writing in their classrooms.

Lorena Casebier sits at a desk reading with a student.

1970 Ackerman Elementary School, Classroom 02
"Children in school" Three images of children reading, searching through encyclopedias, and writing in their classrooms.

1969 Employee, David Graham 02
"New Faculty - David Graham, assistant professor of education and instructor in ethno-pedagogy, has his bachelor of science from Florida Southern College in Lakeland and his master of arts in teaching from EOC. He works especially with the migrant…

1969 Employee, Louis Cangemi 02
"New Faculty - Louis J. Cangemi, circulation librarian, has his bachelor of arts from St. Mary's College in California and his master of arts in librarianship from the University of Denver. He is a member of the Special Librarian Association and has…

1969 Employee, Paul Bruncke 02
"New Faculty - H. Paul Bruncke, assistant professor of art, has a bachelor of science from Carroll College and a bachelor of art from the University of Minnesota, and masters of arts from the University of Minnesota and from Stanford University." …
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