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1949-50 Students, Shopping 1-1
"1949-50 Shopping" Two unidentified students, a young man and woman, are talking with what appears to be a local drugstore keeper. Generalized merchandise and pharmaceuticals for sale are neatly arranged in display cases and on shelving around the…

1949-50 Patient Care 1-1
"1949-50 Patient" A young male patient reads a play while resting in a hospital bed. [Because of its proximity to campus, the hospital is possibly St. Joseph's.]

1949 Parade, Float Staging Area 2
"1949 Homecoming Parade" In the staging area for the floats, students climb into the back of a truck that has been decorated for the homecoming parade.

1949 Parade, Newman Club
"1949 Homecoming Parade" Sporting a religious cross and a sign that reads, "The World is Sick," the Newman Club makes its way down one of the La Grande, Oregon side streets. Wearing their uniforms, nurses are riding on the float. [Photo appears in…

1949 Parade, Band Float
"1949 Homecoming Parade" Holding various instruments, a group of people ride on the back of a flatbed truck together.

1949 Parade, East OR Float 1-2
"1949 Homecoming Parade" A truck has been decorated to resemble an Eastern Oregon forest is stopped in front of Ackerman Elementary School. A banner on the side reads, "Know Eastern Oregon." [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Hands…

1949 Football Player, Injured 3
"1949 Football" There is a pause in the game as an injured player is dealt with back at the team's bench. Wearing a suit, the man sitting on this end appears to be Coach Roy Tatum. [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Football" section.]

1949 Homecoming Game
"1949 Football - Homecoming" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Hands Across the Years" section.]

1949-50 Homecoming Tug-of-War
"1949-50 Tug of War - Homecoming" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Hands Across the Years" section.]
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