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1971 Registration Day, Winter Term 05
"1971 - Registration, Winter term"

Seated at tables, closest to furthest: Howard Richardson (3rd), Gary Feasel (4th), Jim Weems (8th), Harvey Bennett (9th), Bill Wells (11th), David Smith (12th), Robert Rutherford (13th).

1971 Registration Day, Winter Term 04
"1971 - Registration, Winter term"

At closest table: Doug Campbell, Dick Hermens.

1971 Registration Day, Winter Term 03
"1971 - Registration, Winter term"

Howard Anderson (kicking).

1972 Quinn Coliseum Addition 04
"1972" Four images of the recently completed addition to the College Coliseum building which included a swimming pool. The building would eventually be named "Quinn Coliseum" after long-time coach Bob Quinn.
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