"41st Division 1941 - There was a huge Corps Area review staged on Ft. Lewis proper - negatives by Bob Spencer with Fred Hill's speed graphic camera from top of water tower"
"41st Division 1941 - There was a huge Corps Area review staged on Ft. Lewis proper - negatives by Bob Spencer with Fred Hill's speed graphic camera from top of water tower"
"1947-48 School Activities" One young man holds up a "Welcome" sign with a snowman caricature on it while a young woman and another young man look on. They are working together at a table in the same room where the yearbook staff meets.
"1947-48 - School Activities, Interfaith Dinner" Various guest religious experts who have been invited to speak at the 1947-48 Interfaith Dinner, and the diners who form the audience.
"1948 School Activities" Candidates for homecoming queen pose in a group on the steps of Inlow Hall just inside the entrance. In the background, a banner campaigns "Reed for Homecoming Queen."
"1948 School Activities" Candidates for homecoming queen pose in a row along one of the decorative railings that used to run out from the side of Inlow Hall.