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  • Tags: Religion in life

1949-50 Religious Emphasis Guests
"1949-50 - Interfaith Banquet" Rabbi Applebaum is the third person in from the left side.

1949-50 Religious Emphasis Speaker 2
"1949-50 - Interfaith Banquet, Rabbi Applebaum" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Religion in Life" section.]

1949-50 Religious Emphasis Sign-In
"1949-50 - Interfaith Banquet" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Religion in Life" section.]

1949-50 Religious Emphasis Speaker 1
"1949-50 - Interfaith Banquet, Father Joseph Hayes" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Religion in Life" section.]

1949-50 Interfaith
"1949-50 College Interfaith Council - Carolyn Davis, Ardith Gorham, Donna Rees, Betty Keyes, Marjorie Coiner, Frank Walch, Rod French, Frances Gilfry, Leon Bolen, Jerry Deats, Virgil A. Bolen (Adviser), Clifford Towle, Art Bradley, William Taylor."…

1949-50 Religious Emphasis Dinner 1
"1949-50 - Interfaith Banquet" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Religion in Life" section.]

1947-48 Religious Emphasis Dinner 3
"1947-48 - School Activities, Interfaith Dinner" Various guest religious experts who have been invited to speak at the 1947-48 Interfaith Dinner, and the diners who form the audience.

1947-48 Religious Emphasis Dinner 2
"1947-48 - School Activities, Interfaith Dinner" Various religious experts who have been invited to speak at the 1947-48 Interfaith Dinner.

1947-48 Religious Emphasis Dinner 1
"1947-48 - School Activities, Interfaith Dinner" On this side of the table are Professor Al Kaiser (sixth from the right) and Professor Amanda Zabel (eighth from the right). [Photo appears in the 1948 Mountaineer yearbook "Student Life" section.]
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