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1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 07
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

From left to right: Dennis Strachota (1st), Greg Davis (2nd), Daniel Wardwell (3rd), Carol Galbreath (5th or 6th, not specified which).

1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 06
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

From left to right around table: Greg Davis (1st), Dennis Strachota (3rd), Daniel Wardwell (4th).

1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 05
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

Dennis Strachota.

1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 04
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

Dennis Strachota (with briefcase).

1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 03
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

Dennis Strachota (with briefcase).

1971 Spring Play, "The Firebugs" 02
1971 Spring Play - "The Firebugs"

Dennis Strachota (center, smoking).

1976 Awards Banquet, Entertainment 03
Three images of Music Professor John Cobb conducting one of the EOSC choral ensembles through a series of songs at the Awards Banquet. In one of the images, the singers hold up a banner which reads: "Sobriety Forever."

1976 Awards Banquet, Entertainment 02
Three images of Music Professor John Cobb conducting one of the EOSC choral ensembles through a series of songs at the Awards Banquet. In one of the images, the singers hold up a banner which reads: "Sobriety Forever."

1976 Awards Banquet, Students 07
Seven images from the student awards banquet.
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