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  • Tags: EOSC Halloween

1984 Employees, Halloween 01
"10/31/1984 - Halloween" Two images of employees wearing costumes while working on Halloween.

1981 Hoke Hall Bookstore, Halloween 01
"10/1981" Nine images of the Bookstore employees readying themselves for Halloween with face painting and costumes. Even Bookstore Manager, Kathy Ferguson gets in on the fun.

80's Student, Napping
A young woman takes a nap at one of the stone picnic tables on campus. Sitting on the bench next to her is a purse, a textbook and a papersack with a jack-o-lantern on it.

1985 Ackerman Elementary School, Pumpkins 07
"10/31/1985 - Ackerman students at Halloween" A teacher helps a child to carve his pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern while another child watches.

1985 Ackerman Elementary School, Pumpkins 01
"10/31/1985 - Ackerman students at Halloween" A teacher helps a young child to carve their pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern.
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