Browse Items (42375 total)

Portrait - Smith, Robert
"Robert Smith - La Grande, Oregon - President of La Grande National Bank - June 23, 1900" Written on back of photograph: "Compliments of R. Smith"

La Grande Group, Masonic
"Masonic History of the Northwest 1902 - A. F. & A. Masons - Officers and members of Knights Templar

Portland, Hotel
"Hotel Portland - The city's first great hotel. Opened for business in the spring of 1890."

Lostine, Real Estate & School
"Building in Lostine, Oregon - Wallowa County Real Estate Agency office - Upstairs was used as school house. Before 1902. Was moved in 1902 and became [M.] Crow's [General] Store. Is still in use [no date given] as Cowes Store. Left to right: Unknown

La Grande, Store 2
"Boskowitz & Sommer - Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise - Oats and Barley - circa 1870 - store located in Old Town, La Grande"

Elgin, Street Scene 4
"Elgin street scene - Looking east on Old Main Street from 6th St. and Alder. 1. J.J. Donovan Livery Barn 2. Elgin Recorder (formerly W.H. Griggs Saloon) 3. Hardware Store 4. Meat Market 5. Shoe Repair 6. Frank Shevlin's Veto Saloon 7. Georgeā€¦

Sumpter, Bald Mountain
"Boarding House and Barn - Bald Mountain G.M. Co. - circa 1901-1903 - Sumpter, Oregon area - Cracker Creek District"

La Grande Home, Leavitt
"F.A. Leavitt's residence - circa 1888"

GRV, Horseshoes
"'Papa would beat his sons once a week - Sunday afternoons at horseshoes' - early 1900's."

Sled Springs, Barn
"Barn at Sled Springs, Oregon (Wallowa County) - circa 1912"

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