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  • Tags: Camps
"Photo Section tent members: Van Reimer - Dick Baxter - A J Countryman - Walter Peters (a medic) - Fred Hill - in front: Ed Bernardo. On our foxhole cover by our tent. 0445 GG was 17th Sqdn Code on all our items"
Photo Section Personnel - 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn One name on negative: "Ashbaugh"
"Ruts in the mud of the motor pool at Dulag Leyte - 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn. Trucks, tents, palm trees on perimeter"
"Auto & truck 'Gas Station' at Dulag. 'Free windshield wash with a fill-up." From "Darkroom Soldier": "Refueling at Dulag. Trucks and jeeps used 80 octane fuel from these 55-gallon drums. Soldiers pressurized the drums, then pumped gasoline into…
"Side view of thatch building of the supply center at Dulag, Leyte, P.I. 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn"
"The Supply 'tent' (really a thatched bamboo building) at Dulag. Very muddy area. The Sqdn 'Cletrack' prime mover in foreground. 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn"
"17th Supply 'building' in the mud at Dulag, Leyte. S/Sgt Harry Jones, Supply Sgt, 1st on left"
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn Supply thatched building at Dulag"
"17th Recon Sqdn - mess kit washing line - outside mess hall. Ship in bay visible beyond"
"Chow line entering 17th Sqdn mess hall at Dulag Leyte - Fresh green thatch often dropped worms onto tables while we were eating"
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