"Foreign Students" Two young women who are definitely friends and possibly sisters, stand together. The young lady on the left is wearing a tie-dyed dress, and the young lady on the right is wearing a patterned skirt and blouse with a bead necklace.…
"Foreign Students" This is a color snapshot of a young woman with dark, curly hair. She is wearing a long sleeved sweater, jeans and round silver earrings.
"Foreign Students" A young woman wearing a long sleeved sweater, jeans and brown loafers, sits on the metal sculpture in the outdoor Gronek Amphitheater. She is talking with another young woman who is leaning on the sculpture. The second woman is…
"2/1986 - Project Relations, Foreign Students" Sitting and listening with the audience of International students, are professors, Bill Wells (right edge, closest, in profile) and David Rothgerry (next to Wells).