"American Smelting and Refining Co. check no. 2345. 'Pay to the order of Friday Gold Mining Co., Limited' in the amount of $670.22. Signed by J.M. Bidwell, assist. manager of the Murray Plant in Salt Lake City, Utah - Sept. 2, 1904."
"Cracker Summit Group of Mines [Bourne, Oregon] - circa 1901-1903. Shows the locations of 'Mining claims of the Cracker Eagle Gold Mining Co.' These include: The Mother Lode, North Star, Telegraph, War Eagle and the Cracker Oregon Gold Mill and…
"California Mill and Mines - Cable Cove mining district [Baker County] - circa 1901-1903." Locations for the following are written on the photograph: "Oregon King, California Mill, Herculean, Standard, Black Dwarf, The Miner, California Mines Tunnel…
"California Mill and Mines - Cable Cove mining district [Baker County] - circa 1901-1903. 'Overland Group'" and "California Mines" are written on the photograph in the background.
"Island City resident, James M. [First arrived in the Grande Ronde Valley in 1865.] and Sarah McCall and Family [nine of their children]." Noted by Florence McCall Bacon in typed label on frame of picture: "Photographed in January 1893." She…