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  • Collection: Fred Hill World War II Photographs

Binmaley, Fish Trap 1
"A fish trap between the river and the fish stock ponds near the camp of the 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn at Binmaley in the Lingayen Gulf area Luzon"

Binmaley, Fish Trap 2
"A Wier - one way fish trap separating a 'milk fish' pond from the river at Binmaley. River fish could get in but then neither river fish nor the 'milk fish' could get out."

Binmaley, Fish Trap 3
"A Wier - fish trap between river and a 'milk fish' pond at Binmaley Luzon"

Binmaley, Fish Trap 4
"Fish wier between river and 'milk fish' farm pond at Binmaley"

Binmaley, Fish Trap 5
"Palm reflections in river by a fish wier at Binmaley Luzon"

Binmaley Camp, Enlisted Tents 2
"One of the 'milk fish' farm ponds between camp and the river at Binmaley, Luzon. 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn EM area"

Binmaley Fish Ponds
"Two men walk the dike between 2 'milk fish' raising ponds by the 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn EM tent area at Binmaley, Luzon"

Binmaley, Shrimp Trap 1
"Shrimp trap in the river at Binmaley Luzon"

Binmaley, Shelled Cathedral 1
"Distant view, across the pond, of the Catholic Cathedral that was used by Japanese to store ammunition and was shelled by Navy guns on war ships in Lingayen Gulf."

Binmaley, Shelled Cathedral 2
"The shelled Cathedral at Binmaley taken from Lingayen Gulf side. The Japanese had stored supplies in the structure - Navy ships shelled it."
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