"C-46's moving the 17th Recon Sqdn from Lingayen Philippines to Ie Shima" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Invading the Ryukyus. Moving north again, Allied commanders had 'seen the strategic importance of the Ryukyus for an air campaign against Japan....…
"Interior of a smaller Catholic Church toward San Carlos from Binmale. GALA ANACO A-ALAGDENTACA" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Interior: Calasiao Cathedral. After being granted permission, Hill ascended the choir loft for this photograph. 'Whew!' he…
"Low level view of conference table in Priest's area at the big Catholic Church in (blank) Note legs are on a plank all around chairs must straddle" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Detail: Nara Wood Table. Calasiao church wardens gave Hill a tour of the…