"A reunion of original members of the 123rd Observation Sqdn - Gray Field who - from several groups - got together on Biak" Back row: unknown, Fred Hill, Lt. O'Keefe, unknown, unknown Front row: Les Donis, Bob Wall, unknown, Walt Barker, unknown
"Photo Section tent members: Van Reimer - Dick Baxter - A J Countryman - Walter Peters (a medic) - Fred Hill - in front: Ed Bernardo. On our foxhole cover by our tent. 0445 GG was 17th Sqdn Code on all our items"
"Tent mates pose on fox hole cover. Van Reimer, Dick Baxter, Al Countryman, Walt Peters, Fred Hill, and Ed Bernardo in front." All Photo section men except Peters who was a medic" From "Darkroom Soldier": "On the Foxhole at Dulag. After a few days…