"Photo Section / Communications section party. Earl Powers Steak fry cook. Laurel, Mississippi" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Photo and Communications Feast. Taken around August 9, when the atomic bomb destroyed Nagasaki, an anonymous cameraman records…
"Part of the 17th Photo Section, plus guest officers, Dr. Louis Speers, Photo Officer Forrest Tregea, Lt Bernstein, Sgt Ed Bernardo, left front, T/Sgt Walsch, right front Back row - Powers, Eisenberg, Casey, young Gertz, and Richards"
"A 17th Photo Section Party at Laurel Miss, Summer of 1943 - Any excuse for a party Last row, standing by film dryer: M/Sgt Ramon J. Walsch, Section Head Back row: A. J. Countryman, Russell Price, Albert I. Gertz, Dale Risdon. Middle row: Dick…
Several members of the Photo Section gather for a party. Bob Casey is holding a camera. "Hill - Photo Section - Salinas (CA) & Laurel (Mississippi) - Doc Speer, Tregea, etc."
Several members of the Photo Section relax and have a few laughs. Bob Casey is seated at the far right. "Hill - Photo Section - Salinas (CA) & Laurel (Mississippi) - Doc Speer, Tregea, etc."
A group of Photo Section members gather for a party, to relax, laugh, and drink beer. "Hill - Photo Section - Salinas (CA) & Laurel (Mississippi) - Doc Speer, Tregea, etc."
A group of Photo Section members gather for a party, to relax, laugh, and drink beer. Ed Bernardo is sitting 2nd in from the left. "Hill - Photo Section - Salinas (CA) & Laurel (Mississippi) - Doc Speer, Tregea, etc."
A group of Photo Section members gather for a party, to relax, laugh, and drink beer. Ed Bernardo is seated on left. "Hill - Photo Section - Salinas (CA) & Laurel (Mississippi) - Doc Speer, Tregea, etc."