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  • Tags: Telephones

Reunion 1970, Tent Mates 6
"17th Recon Sqdn Tent Reunion @ Reimers - March 1970 Van Reimer, Ed Bernardo, Dick Baxter, Walter Peters, Fred Hill - Unavailable: AJ Countryman" Walt Peters talking on the phone.

Communications 2
"M/Sgt Howard Tryk 123rd Communications Chief - on the telephone" "Laurel Army Air base"

La Grande, Phone Switchboard 3
"La Grande telephone switchboard - Edison Style - Late 1940's or early 50's"

La Grande, Phone Switchboard 2
"La Grande telephone switchboard - Edison Style - Late 1940's or early 50's"

La Grande, Phone Switchboard 1
"La Grande telephone switchboard - Edison Style - Late 1940's or early 50's"
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