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  • Tags: Safeway

1980 Parade, Horses & Flags 05
"October 1980" A series of images of three young women riding horses and bearing flags while leading the homecoming parade procession.

1980 Parade, Horses & Flags 04
"October 1980" A series of images of three young women riding horses and bearing flags while leading the homecoming parade procession.

1980 Parade, Horses & Flags 03
"October 1980" A series of images of three young women riding horses and bearing flags while leading the homecoming parade procession.

1980 Parade, Horses & Flags 02
"October 1980" A series of images of three young women riding horses and bearing flags while leading the homecoming parade procession.

La Grande Hotel 3
"11. 1927 - La Grande Hotel" The Grandy house was built on this site in 1875 and was then replaced by the hotel. Later still, the site would be used for a Safeway store.

La Grande Home 5
"The Grandy house, built in 1875." Located on the corner of Adams Avenue and Fourth Street. Replaced by the La Grande Hotel and then eventually by Safeway.

Union Stock Show Parade 18
"Eastern Oregon Livestock Show parade - June 1940"

1985 Octoberfest, Street Scene 05
"10/1985" Five images of Adams Avenue in La Grande, Oregon with the October Folk Festival and Homecoming banner hanging above the street. The old Safeway grocery store is just visible at the end of Adams.

1985 Octoberfest, Street Scene 04
"10/1985" Five images of Adams Avenue in La Grande, Oregon with the October Folk Festival and Homecoming banner hanging above the street. The old Safeway grocery store is just visible at the end of Adams.

1985 Octoberfest, Street Scene 03
"10/1985" Five images of Adams Avenue in La Grande, Oregon with the October Folk Festival and Homecoming banner hanging above the street. The old Safeway grocery store is just visible at the end of Adams.
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