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  • Tags: Religious emphasis week

1951-52 Religious Emphasis Dinner
"1951-52, Spring - Interfaith" A large Interfaith group holds a dinner together with a number of clergy and religious leaders from multiple faiths. EOCE President Frank B. Bennett is at the very far end on the left.

50's Religious Emphasis Week 1
"Religious Emphasis Week" A guest speaker stands at a podium in front of a brick fireplace and gives a speech during Religious Emphasis week.

50's Religious Emphasis Week 2
"Religious Emphasis Week" A minister wearing a father's collar, is a guest during Religious Emphasis week.

1954-55 Religious Emphasis Dinner 1-1
"1954-55 - Religious Emphasis Week" EOCE President, Frank B. Bennett, sits with other distinguished guests, such as Dr. C.W. Hoveland and Miss Freeda Wilson at a long table during Religious Emphasis week.

1954-55 Religious Emphasis Dinner 1-2
"1954-55 - Religious Emphasis Week, Dr. C.W. Hoveland (head of the department of philosophy and religion, OSC), Reverend Father Archibald McDowell (professor of philosophy and religion, University of Portland), Miss Freeda Wilson (Danforth graduate,…

50's Religious Emphasis Week 3
"Religious Emphasis Week" A guest speaker gives a speech at a podium in front of a brick fireplace. His audience is there to hear him talk during Religious Emphasis week.

1954-55 Religious Emphasis Dinner 2
"Religious Emphasis Week" A large group of people gather at long tables to hear guest speakers and share ideas during Religious Emphasis week.

1954-55 Religious Emphasis Dinner 3
"1954-55 - Religious Emphasis Week" Honored guests are seated at a long table in front of a brick fireplace at a dinner during Religious Emphasis week.

1949-50 Religious Emphasis Breakfast
"1949-50 - Interfaith Breakfast" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Homecoming" section.]

1949-50 Religious Emphasis Dinner 1
"1949-50 - Interfaith Banquet" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Religion in Life" section.]
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