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  • Tags: Mess kits

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 3
"Aboard ship - Biak to Tacloban - Mess kit washing facilities"

Leyte Camp, Mess Kit Washing
"17th Recon Sqdn - mess kit washing line - outside mess hall. Ship in bay visible beyond"

KP Duty 2
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn enlisted men washing their mess kits - Coleman immersion heaters kept water Very Hot in clean metal garbage cans" Mess Hall in background.

41st Division, Chow Line
"41st Division E Co. 186 Inf. - Chow line formed"

186th Infantry, Chow Line
"186th Infantry - 41st Division - Overnight hike field training - Fort Lewis - 8/40 - National Guard annual encampment before we were mobilized Sept. 16, 1940 - line up for chow in the field - all with mess kits"
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