Browse Items (32 total)

  • Tags: Log piles

1900+/- Wallowa County, Saw Mill
"Grossman Saw Mill, Oregon logging" This saw mill looks like it would have been a very bare bones place to work or possibly live. A large pile of logs is in the righthand corner of the picture, and it's huge size can be determined by a horse standing…

1956-57 Parade, Swimsuit Beauties 1
"Joseph float - 1956 or 1957 - Eastern Oregon College - Not nautical, but nice!"

1956-57 Parade, Swimsuit Beauties 2
"Joseph float - 1956 or 1957 - Eastern Oregon College - Not nautical, but nice!"

1956-57 Parade, Swimsuit Beauties 3
"Joseph float - 1956 or 1957 - Eastern Oregon College"

1978 Elgin Logging Operation 1
"February 1978 - Logging Operation"
A crane that is used to move logs, sits idle next to a log pile. [This image appears to have been taken at the Boise Cascade in Elgin, Oregon.]

1978 Elgin Logging Operation 2
"February 1978 - Logging Operation"
A large log pile. [This image appears to have been taken at the Boise Cascade sawmill in Elgin, Oregon.]

1978 Employee, Bruce Mackey 2
"February 1978 - Logging Operation"
Agriculture and Business Professor, Bruce Mackey stands next to a large log pile. [This image appears to have been taken at the Boise Cascade sawmill in Elgin, Oregon.]

80's Children, Boy and Deer
"Eagle Cap Fine Arts Camp" A boy sits leaning aganst one of the logs in a large logpile. He is concentrating hard on the sketch pad in his lap. Amazingly, there is an 8-point buck laying on the ground right next to him.

Aerial, La Grande Sawmill
"Mt Emily Lumber Co. La Grande, Ore"

Aerial, Wallowa Sawmill
"Sawmill at Wallowa"


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