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  • Tags: Lectures

1985 Science Class, Trees & Shrubs 01
"10/1985 - Conrade Head" Professor Conrade Head conducts a science class outdoors. The students around him are taking notes and gathering various kinds of leaves and plants.

1976 Guest, Norma Paulus 1-1
"February 16, 1976 - 'Women at Work' - Dr. Loso [middle] and Norma Paulus [right]"

1978 Classroom, Lecture
"January 1978 - John Millay's [front of class] Criminal Corrections Class"

70's Employee, Mary Jane Loso
"Mary Jane Loso" Standing behind a tabletop podium at the front of a classroom and wearing a dress suit, Mary Jane Loso is giving a lecture.

1986 Classroom, Lecture 01
"3/1986 - Bob [Robert] Ward" Bob Ward lectures to a classroom of students who are seated at tables. One of the students is wearing a letterman's jacket with "Asher" on the back. There is a projector screen pulled down behind him.


80's Employee, Sally Snyder
"Sally Snyder" Standing in front of a class, Sally Snyder uses a large paper tablet as a visual aid for her lecture on "Promoting Cottage Industries."

1965 Guest, Nicholas Goncharoff
"Fall 1965, Nicholas Goncharoff, a Danforth Visiting Lecturer/Speaker" This is a portrait of Nicholas Goncharoff wearing a dark colored blazer, a white dress shirt, and a striped necktie.

1976 Classroom, Lecture 1
"Don Ulrey, Island City, Explains rules of Powderhorn Simulation, Conferences" Wearing a dark colored sports jacket, Don Ulrey points to the chalkboard. On it is written, "Don Ulrey, Powderhorn Game for Trade." Two men and two women sit at a tableā€¦

1974 Classroom, Lecture
"1974 - Rodney Briggs" Using a tabletop podium, EOSC President Rodney Briggs gives a lecture in one of the classroom auditoriums with tiered seating.

1974 Employee, Rodney Briggs 07
"1974 - Dr. Rod Briggs, President" This is a picture of President Rodney Briggs standing at a podium with an attached microphone and gving a speech. His right hand is up, and he is not wearing his eyeglasses.
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