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  • Tags: Juan

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 6
"As seen from SS Juan Cabrillo"

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 9
"Card game in the hold of the Juan Cabrillo"

Leyte Local Houses 6
"The home of 'Osping' a 'house boy' who kept our tent in order at Dulag, Leyte, P.I." From "Darkroom Soldier": "Juan Quilla's Home. Surrounded by banana and palm trees, this is Juan Quilla's family home within easy walking distance of the Dulag camp.…

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 5
"Two Liberty ships, as seen over AA gun sight" From "Darkroom Soldier": "On the SS Juan Cabrillo. Luminous clouds above, Liberty Ship a far silhouette, 20 mm anti-aircraft gun up close -- the young photographer documented these apparently commonplace…

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 1
"Relaxed aboard the Liberty Ship Juan Cabrillo, en route from Biak via Hollandia to Tacloban, Leyte. Oct 21 to 28 1944 - 17th Recon Sqdn Ground Crews" Ed Bernardo watching? From "Darkroom Soldier": "Leaving Biak. As combat moved north to reconquer…

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 2
"Soldiers relaxing aboard the SS Juan Cabrillo"

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 3
"Aboard ship - Biak to Tacloban - Mess kit washing facilities"

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 4
"Red Alert - All hands below deck! Biak to Tacloban soldiers looking up at opening in hold cover"

Liberty Ship, Juan Cabrillo 7
"The wake of the Liberty Ship Juan Cabrillo between Biak and Tacloban Leyte"
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