Browse Items (19 total)

  • Tags: Infantry

Reunion, Observation Squadron 1
"Reunion - MP's Lt O'Keefe and Sgt Fred Hill. O'Keefe was 1st Sgt of the 123rd Obsn. Sqdn when Fred Hill transferred from Infantry to Air Force in Nov. 1941"

General Eisenhower 8
"The General inspects Ft Lewis Infantry firing range" "5 Star Gen Dwight Eisenhower Inspects Fort Lewis 1946" "Dry firing range"

General Eisenhower 9
"Gen Eisenhower Field Inspection - Fort Lewis 1946"

General Eisenhower 11
"Gen Eisenhower Fort Lewis Post Inspection 1946 - Soldiers field equipment display - Pup tents, etc."

General Eisenhower 12
"Gen Eisenhower Fort Lewis Post Inspection 1946"

General Eisenhower 14
"Gen Eisenhower Fort Lewis Post Inspection 1946 - Rifle Platoon"

503rd Parachute Infantry 1
"Parachute Infantry man, on ground, being dragged by his 'chute. Many 'chutes still in the air. Signal Corps Photo from Lantern slide from Bob Flynn - 503rd historian"

503rd Parachute Infantry 2
"Signal Corps photo from ground - 2 parachutes still in air with their men visible - C-47 departing - Lantern slide original from Bob Flynn - 503rd historian"

503rd Parachute Infantry 3
"503rd Combat Parachute Infantry striding across botanical debris on Corregidor - perhaps Feb 17 - Signal Corps Photo from Lantern slide - Bob Flynn, 503 historian"

503rd Parachute Infantry 4
"Signal Corps Photo. 503rd RCT members in C-47 hooked to static line ready to jump - Sgt Albert Baldwin of Steubenville, Ohio leads the jump in first positition - Signal Corps original, from Lantern Slide from Bob Flynn - fairly sharp"
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