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  • Tags: Free throws

1954-55 Basketball Action 2
"Eastern Oregon" basketball player, #23 appears to be running in the air as he attempts a basket in the game against Southern Oregon College. Spectators fill two levels of bleachers in the background to capacity. [Photo appears in the 1955…

1955-56 Basketball Action 7
"Eastern Oregon" basketball players quickly enter the key with opposing team memberts from Portland State in order to recover the ball after a free throw attempt. Spectators fill the bleachers in the background to capacity. [Photo appears in the 1956…

50's Basketball Action 11
An "Eastern Oregon" basketball player attempts a free throw while members from his own team, and the opposing team, Portland State, await the outcome on both sides of the key. Spectators fill the bleachers in the background to capacity, including a…

50's Basketball Action 8
"Eastern Oregon" basketball player,#33, attempts a free throw while his teammates and opposing team members look on from outside the key. A referee is visible at the upper right, and the rest of the Eastern team is sitting on the lowest bleacher…

50's Basketball Action 5
"Eastern Oregon" basketball player, #33, attempts a free throw while the referee stands next to him ready to blow his whistle. In the background, a couple of teammates watch to see if the ball will go into the basket.

50's Basketball Action 3
Watching a free-throw attempt, three of "Eastern Oregon's" basketball team members, #23, #44, and #31 stand on the edges of the key with members of the opposing team who are dressed in dark colored uniforms. In the background, the bleachers are…
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