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  • Tags: Certificates

1975 Scholarship, Music 05
"6/75 - Jim Robertson, Alice Trindle" An image of Alice Trindle receiving a music scholarship award from Professor Jim Robertson.

1975 Scholarship, Music 04
"6/75 - Jim Robertson, Alice Trindle" An image of Alice Trindle receiving a music scholarship award from Professor Jim Robertson.

1975 Scholarship, Music 02
"6/1975 - Jim Robertson, Alice Trindle" Wearing an apple patterned dress with fabric buttons up the front, Alice Trindle receives a music scholarship award from Professor Jim Robertson.

1975 Scholarship, Music 03
"6/75 - Jim Robertson, Alice Trindle" An image of Alice Trindle receiving a music scholarship award from Professor Jim Robertson.

1975 Scholarship, Music 01
"6/1975 - Jim Robertson, Alice Trindle" Wearing an apple patterned dress with fabric buttons up the front, Alice Trindle receives a music scholarship award from Professor Jim Robertson.

1982 Governor Honors Employee
"1982 - Vic Atiyeh [Oregon governor 1979-1987]" Governor Vic Atiyeh presents a recognition certificate to EOSC employee, Dee Curtis. It reads, "The Governor's Management Recognition Certificate."

King Neptune Certificate
"King Neptune's certificate of crossing the equator - Sgt. Frederick H. Hill Aboard the USS General John Pope en route to New Guinea from New Port News Virginia" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Loyal Order of the Deep. The ceremony of 'crossing the line'…
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