Browse Items (6 total)

  • Tags: Association of Schools and Colleges

1988 Employees & Guests, Reception 06
"1988" Six images taken at a reception attended by administration, faculty, and guests wearing nametags.

From left to right: Dave Gilbert (4th, in profile), Richard Goad (5th, in profile). Jim Hottois (right edge, in profile, partial).

1988 Employees & Guests, Reception 05
"1988" Six images taken at a reception attended by administration, faculty, and guests wearing nametags.

Jim Hottois (2nd in from the right).

1988 Employees & Guests, Reception 04
"1988" Six images taken at a reception attended by administration, faculty, and guests wearing nametags.

1988 Employees & Guests, Reception 03
"1988" Six images taken at a reception attended by administration, faculty, and guests wearing nametags.

Foreground: Jens Robinson (left, in profile). Background: Dave Gilbert (middle).

1988 Employees & Guests, Reception 02
"1988" Six images taken at a reception attended by administration, faculty, and guests wearing nametags.

1988 Employees & Guests, Reception 01
"1988" Six images taken at a reception attended by administration, faculty, and guests wearing nametags.

From left to right: Dick Stenard (2nd), Peggy Anderson (3rd), Orson Christensen (4th, in profile), Lee Insko (5th, in profile).
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