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  • Tags: Assistant professors

1949-50 Employee, Ernest Anderson
"1949-50 - Dr. Ernest C. Anderson, Assistant Professor of Biology & Science" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Biology Department" section.]

1949-50 Employees, Music 1-1
"1949-50 - Florence Miller, Instructor in Voice and E. Lyle McMullen, Assistant Professor of Piano and Languages" [A similar photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Choir" section.]

1949-50 Employees, Music 1-2
"1949-50 - Florence L. Miller, Instructor in Voice and E. Lyle McMullen, Assistant Professor of Piano and Languages" [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Choir" section.]

1969 Employee, David Graham 01
"New Faculty - David Graham, assistant professor of education and instructor in ethno-pedagogy, has his bachelor of science from Florida Southern College in Lakeland and his master of arts in teaching from EOC. He works especially with the migrant…

1969 Employee, David Graham 02
"New Faculty - David Graham, assistant professor of education and instructor in ethno-pedagogy, has his bachelor of science from Florida Southern College in Lakeland and his master of arts in teaching from EOC. He works especially with the migrant…

1969 Employee, Paul Bruncke 01
"New Faculty - H. Paul Bruncke, assistant professor of art, has a bachelor of science from Carroll College and a bachelor of art from the University of Minnesota, and masters of arts from the University of Minnesota and from Stanford University." …

1969 Employee, Paul Bruncke 02
"New Faculty - H. Paul Bruncke, assistant professor of art, has a bachelor of science from Carroll College and a bachelor of art from the University of Minnesota, and masters of arts from the University of Minnesota and from Stanford University." …

1970 Employee, Herbert Gottfried
"Humanities - Herbert W. Gottfried, assistant professof of English, has his bachelor of arts from Colby College in Maine and his master of art from the University of Montana. He advises the 'Middle R' literary magazine." [Photo appears in the 1970…

1970 Employee, Ivan Harshbarger
"Ivan Harshbarger, assistant professor of physical education and head basketball and tennis coach, has his bachelor of science from Bethel College in Newton, Kan., and his master of science from the University of Oregon. He had a fine first year at…

1970 Employee, Jean Cuthbert
"Humanities - Dr. Jean Cuthbert, assistant professor of English, has her bachelor and master of science from EOC. She is a member of the National Council of Teachers of English, the Conference on College Composition and Communication, the Oregon…
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