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  • Tags: Ackerman Lab

1929-30 Ackerman Elementary Classroom
Probably one of the very first elementary classrooms at the training school. [Photo appears in the 1930 EONS Catalog.]

1930 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 1
"[1930] Caroline Stevenson, Training Teacher, 6th grade, N21" Students and teacher sit at desks in a semi-cirlce in this elementary classroom. There is a bird in a cage in the center, and there are pictures of birds on the wall in the background.

1930 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 2
"[1930] Lulu Grace Allen, Teacher, 3rd grade, N-18" This is a 1930 elementary 3rd grade classroom setting.

1937 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 2
"April 14, 1937" Children sit at their desks facing the front of the classroom where two boys and two girls are reading on either side of a puppet theater.

1937 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 3
"April 14, 1937 - Giving a 'movie' based on a story in the reading textbook. The picture is being shown to the rest of the group and appropriate parts of the story read. - 5th & 6th grades"

1937 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 4
"April 14, 1937 - Fourth grade assembling in formation and materials for a geography program, 'Life in Holland."

1948-49 Ackerman Elementary Art 1
"1948-1949 Ackerman Training School" Two Eastern Oregon students in the Education Program are helping a small group of children create a mural of a neighborhood. [Photo appears in the 1949 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 81.]

1948-49 Ackerman Elementary Art 2
"1948-1949 Ackerman Training School" An Eastern Oregon student in the Education Program supervises children who are painting pictures in an art class. [Photo appears in the 1949 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 81.]

1948-49 Ackerman Elementary Classroom 1
"1948-1949 Ackerman Training School" Eastern Oregon students in the Education Program work with groups of children at separate tables in various activities and experiments. [Photo appears in the 1949 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 80.]
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