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  • Tags: Overhead projector

1983 Youth Energy Awareness Day, Class 01
"3/16/1983" Two images of a class for high school students on Youth Energy Awareness Day.

1982 Instructional Seminar 01
"8/12/1982" Seventeen images of an instructional seminar in the Hoke Hall conference room with a number of Eastern faculty in attendance.

From left to right: Dick Hiatt (2nd), Werner Bruecher (4th).

1981 Classroom, Science 01
"11/10/1981" Four images of Professor Dennis Swanger teaching a science class.

1981 Alcohol Fuels Workshop 01
Three images taken during a campus workshop on Alcohol Fuels.

1981 Humanity Seminar 01
"5/18/1981" Six images taken during what appears to be an adult education seminar on "Humanity."

1981 Energy Day Class, Still 01
"Youth Energy Awareness Day" Four images of one of the classes held on Energy Awareness Day.

1987 Classroom, Peggy Anderson Lecture 01
"5/1987 - Quinn" Using a tabletop podium and an overhead projector, a woman professor [Peggy Anderson?] presents a lecture to a classroom of athletics students.
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