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  • Tags: Distinguished

1989 Distinguished Staff Award, Anne Isaacson 02
"1989" Six images of Anne Isaacson receiving the Distinguished Classified Staff award plaque from President Dave Gilbert.

1988 Distinguished Award, Jerry Young 06
"1988" Six images of Jerry Young receiving one of the Distinguished plaques that is shaped like the state of Oregon.

From left to right: Jerry Young (2nd), Dave Gilbert (3rd).

1988 Distinguished Award, Jerry Young 05
"1988" Six images of Jerry Young receiving one of the Distinguished plaques that is shaped like the state of Oregon.

Jerry Young (right).

1988 Distinguished Award, Jerry Young 04
"1988" Six images of Jerry Young receiving one of the Distinguished plaques that is shaped like the state of Oregon.

Jerry Young.

1988 Distinguished Award, Jerry Young 03
"1988" Six images of Jerry Young receiving one of the Distinguished plaques that is shaped like the state of Oregon.

Jerry Young (left).

1988 Distinguished Award, Jerry Young 02
"1988" Six images of Jerry Young receiving one of the Distinguished plaques that is shaped like the state of Oregon.

Jerry Young (left, in profile), Dave Gilbert, (right).

1988 Distinguished Classified Staff, Shirley Roberts 04
"1988 - Distinguished Classified Staff" Four images of Shirley Roberts taken during the staff awards: Two are of her receiving her award plaque from Jim Lundy, and two show her holding the plaque.

1988 Distinguished Classified Staff, Shirley Roberts 03
"1988 - Distinguished Classified Staff" Four images of Shirley Roberts taken during the staff awards: Two are of her receiving her award plaque from Jim Lundy, and two show her holding the plaque.

1988 Distinguished Classified Staff, Shirley Roberts 02
"1988 - Distinguished Classified Staff" Four images of Shirley Roberts taken during the staff awards: Two are of her receiving her award plaque from Jim Lundy, and two show her holding the plaque.

1987 Distinguished Service, Anne Berbinger 07
"10/1987 - Alumni Banquet, Anne Berbinger, Distinguished Service"
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