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  • Tags: Ackerman Laboratory
"Ackerman Lab School" Children are dressed in costumes as they perform a skit depicting the first Christmas.
"Ackerman Lab School" A group of children look at books set out on a display table in the Ackerman Elementary Library.
"Ackerman Lab School" Three children sit on the floor together looking at books in the Ackerman Elementary Library.
"Ackerman Lab School" A boy and a girl pick out magazines to look at from the periodicals display in the Ackerman Elementary Library.
"Ackerman Lab School" Three children sit on the floor together looking at books in the Ackerman Elementary Library.
"Ackerman Lab School" Children sit at a table together while looking at books in the Ackerman Elementary Library.
"Ackerman Lab School" Children sit at a table together while looking at books in the Ackerman Elementary Library.
"Ackerman Lab School" Two girls work behind the check-out counter in the Ackerman Elementary Library. Two boys are at the counter checking out library books.
"Ackerman Lab School" Two girls and a boy search for specific books in the card catalog located in the Ackerman Elementary Library.
"November 1960 - Book Week. Betty Ryan, longtime 2nd grade teacher at Ackerman Lab School, author of children's books. Bill Delashmutt, Ackerman student and EOC student (1967-68), smaller of the two boys. Mike Elder, Ackerman student and EOC student…
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