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Union Stock Show Ad 5
"Ads from Stock Show Programs - 1927 M.J. Goss Studebaker Sales and Service Verna's programs before donated to County Museum"

Union Stock Show Ad 49
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - Green & Sons - Shorthorn Cattle"

Union Stock Show Ad 48
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - O.M. Crossland - Barber Shop and Baths"

Union Stock Show Ad 47
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - G.F. Hall & Co."

Union Stock Show Ad 46
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - H.L. West, Jeweler"

Union Stock Show Ad 45
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - Union Flouring Mill Company"

Union Stock Show Ad 44
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co."

Union Stock Show Ad 43
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - Union Live Stock Show"

Union Stock Show Ad 42
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - First National Bank"

Union Stock Show Ad 41
"1913 & 1915 Ads from Union Stock Show Programs - Blue Mountain Creamery Co."
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