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Japanese Surrender Delegates 3
Written on envelope: "Japanese preliminary envoy members - (from the 2 'Betty' bombers) climbing aboard a C-54 for the long flight from Ie Shima to Manila"

Japanese Surrender Delegates 2
Written on envelope: "Japanese preliminary envoy members - (from the 2 'Betty' bombers) climbing aboard a C-54 for the long flight from Ie Shima to Manila"

Japanese Surrender Delegates 1
Written on envelope: "The Japanese delegates face US officers - under wing of Transport Command C-54 prior to departing for Manila

Corregidor, Malinta Tunnel
"Infantryman with mouth of Malinta Tunnel in distance - Signal Corps Photo - International News wire Photo - Source: Caffrey Dugas"

Corregidor, American Flag
"American Flag - attached to highest pole left on Corregidor by Feb 24 1945 - first time in 2 1/2 years. Pfc Clyde Bates of Evanston, Wisconsin and T5 Frank Arrige of East Chicago. Men were under sniper fire at the time. Signal Corps photo - Source -…

503rd Officers Observe Artillery
"Maj Gen Marquat and Col. George Jones -observe artillery action on Corregidor - from Lantern slide - Bob Flynn, 503rd historian - Signal Corps original"

Aerial, Corregidor Paratrooper
"Shows Paratrooper leaving plane (taken from inside of plane) over building skeletons" "Bombed out buildings on Corregidor - Not sharp, from Lantern slide supplied by Bob Flynn, 503rd historian - Shows a paratrooper leaving the airplane. Signal Corps…

503rd Parachute Infantry 7
"503rd Paratrooper landing - 'Chute still inflated - Signal Corps Photo - from Lantern slide from Bob Flynn - 503rd historian"

503rd Parachute Infantry 6
"503rd Parachute Infantry drop - Feb 16 1945. Signal Corps Photo - from ground, looking up"

503rd Parachute Infantry 5
"Signal Corps Photo - from ground looking up at 503rd Parachute Infantry being delivered by Troop Carrier C-47's, Feb 16 1945"
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