"Camp - EM tents - of E Co., 186 Inf. at Biak - Sgt Fred Hill, formerly of E Co. Oregon National Guard. Now of 17th Recon Sqdn Air Force - was able to visit old comrades on Biak"
"Reunion - MP's Lt O'Keefe and Sgt Fred Hill. O'Keefe was 1st Sgt of the 123rd Obsn. Sqdn when Fred Hill transferred from Infantry to Air Force in Nov. 1941"
"On Biak - Reunion of former 123rd Obsn. Sqdn members" Fred Hill is standing in the back row, on the left. Lt O'Keefe is seated in the front row, second from the left. Bob Casey is seated at the far right.
"The 17th Tact. Redon Sqdn's movie theater on Biak. Men provided their own seating, some quite elaborate. Men from other units were welcome, but behind the pole fence" From "Darkroom Soldier": "17th Squdron Movie Theater. Hill and his fellow soldiers…