"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.
"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.
"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.
"November 1980" A series of images of children in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where new Commodore computers and the program, "Kids For Computers" have just been introduced.
"October 13, 1980" A series of images related to the new "Kids For Computers" learning program in the Ackerman Elementary classrooms. The image is of a child's "Computer License." It reads: "Type: Novice. Date: 10-13-80. Name: Darryl Coleman."
"October 13, 1980" A series of images related to the new "Kids For Computers" learning program in the Ackerman Elementary classrooms. The image is of a teacher showing the tape cassettes that will be used with the Commodore computers.
"November 1980 - Men's Basketball" A series of images of the team, wearing their uniforms and sitting in three rows on the bleachers in Quinn Coliseum. From left to right: Front row: #10 - John White (2nd), #22 - Tim Noland (6th). Middle row: #32 -…