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  • Tags: Sock and Buskin The Firebugs

1971 "The Firebugs" Cast 5
"1971 - Spring Play Cast"
Greg Davis, one of the cast members appearing in "The Firebugs."

1971 "The Firebugs" Cast 4
"1971 - Spring Play Cast"
One of the cast members who appeared in "The Firebugs." [One of two women possibly identified as Carol Galbreath.]

1971 "The Firebugs" Cast 3
"1971 - Spring Play Cast"
Daniel Wardwell, one of the cast members appearing in "The Firebugs."

1971 "The Firebugs" Cast 2
"1971 - Spring Play Cast"
One of the cast members who appeared in "The Firebugs." [One of two women possibly identified as Carol Galbreath.]

1971 "The Firebugs" Cast 1
"1971 - Spring Play Cast"
Dennis Strachota, one of the cast members appearing in "The Firebugs."
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