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  • Tags: Ruts

Rural Town, Mud Road
The muddy, rutted road through town.

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Sumpter, Street Scene 1
"Sumpter, Oregon 1895"

Leyte Camp, Motor Pool
"Ruts in the mud of the motor pool at Dulag Leyte - 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn. Trucks, tents, palm trees on perimeter"

Leyte, Jeep in Mud 1
"Military Police Jeep negotiating a typical muddy road. Note 4 wheel drive front wheels spinning. Area of Dulag, Leyte"

Leyte, Jeep in Mud 2
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn. 4 men - with shovels - trying to get a jeep out of the mud. A civilian structure in the area" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Dulag Mud. When the rains began in the Leyte Valley, the dry cornfield around the photo lab turned into a…

Leyte, Truck in Mud 1
"Truck in the mud with which we had to contend at the 17th Sqdn Camp area (a corn field) in the rainy season"

Leyte, Truck in Mud 2
"Tractor pulling Command Car out of the mud at Dulag Leyte 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn Camp area"

Leyte, Mud Sled
"Only way to get supplies from the street to camp area - through the mud at Dulag, Leyte. 17th Tactical Recon Sqdn. (no face on the carabao)"

Leyte Camp, Packed Up 1
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn ground forces. Packed, ready to move (on to Mindoro - Dec 1944) 0445 - GG was our Sqdn Code identification. Photo Section and Supply section"

Leyte Camp, Loading Up 1
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn Photo section loading lab gear onto a truck in preparation for move to Mindoro - Note tire chains (for mud) on truck"
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