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  • Tags: Oregon Lottery

1989 Employees, Oregon Lottery 05
"1989" Five images taken during the promotional start-up for the Oregon Lottery program involving Sports Action.

From left to right: Dick Stenard (1st), Peggy Anderson (4th).

1989 Employees, Oregon Lottery 04
"1989" Five images taken during the promotional start-up for the Oregon Lottery program involving Sports Action.

Dick Stenard.

1989 Employees, Oregon Lottery 03
"1989" Five images taken during the promotional start-up for the Oregon Lottery program involving Sports Action.

1989 Employees, Oregon Lottery 02
"1989" Five images taken during the promotional start-up for the Oregon Lottery program involving Sports Action.

1989 Employees, Oregon Lottery 01
"1989" Five images taken during the promotional start-up for the Oregon Lottery program involving Sports Action.

90's Lottery Winner
Smiling broadly, a woman holds up what appears to be a "Bucks" winning lottery ticket. Her two children and her husband are standing at the counter with her. In the background, a wall of paperback books is on display.
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