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  • Tags: OCE

1953 Evensong Ball Guests 1-2
"1953 - Evensong Ball: (L to R): EOC President Frank B. Bennett, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Maaske and Roben J. Maaske, the OCE [Oregon College of Education] Proxy and Director of Elementary Education and former president of EOCE"

1953 Evensong Ball Guests 1-1
"1953 - Evensong Ball: (L to R): EOC President Frank B. Bennett, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Maaske and Roben J. Maaske, the OCE [Oregon College of Education] Proxy and Director of Elementary Education and former president of EOCE"

1977 Football Fans 1-2
"October 1, 1977 - EOSC vs. OCE"
A couple sits on the grass at the very end of the football field to watch the game.

1977 Cheerleader 2-1
"October 1, 1977 - EOSC vs. OCE"
One of the EOSC cheerleaders leads cheers during the game.
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