Browse Items (31 total)

  • Tags: Mine

Sanger Mine, Tunnel Interior
"Sanger Mine tunnel interior, Baker County, Oregon - circa 1894. Dan Hayes, foreman," using a pick axe. [Note the candle providing light in the bottom, left side, corner of image.]

Sanger Mine, Mill Interior
"Sanger Mine Mill [interior], Baker County, Oregon - circa 1894." Three unidentified men are working with the various equipment and machinery.

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Sanger Mine, Arrastra
"Sanger Mine arrastra, Baker County, Oregon - circa 1894"

Portrait - Sprinkle, James
"James L. Sprinkle"

Oregon, Wisconsin Engine Room
"Wisconsin Gold Mine Co. Hoist and Engine Room - circa 1901-1903"

Lane, Mayflower Mine
"Mayflower Mine [Lane County]. Minersville Gold Mining and Milling Co. - circa 1901-1903. One of the miners is standing in the snow while leaning on a shovel at the tunnel entrance."

Grant, Standard Mines 1
"Standard Con. Mines Co.'s Cobalt Mines - circa 1901-1903 - Main Tunnel, Willie Boy Tunnel" and "Standard Tunnel" are noted. "Grant County, Quartzburg District. East of Dixie Creek."

Grant, Concord Mine 2
"Concord Mine, group of miners - circa 1901-1903"

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Grant, Concord Mine 1
"Concord Mine and Tunnel House - circa 1901-1903"

Grant, Blue Bird Mine 2
"Blue Bird Mine - Tunnel, with miners drifting on 2nd ore-vein cut by candlelight - circa 1901-1903."
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