"Warf area - North Dock - 503rd RCT Paratroopers - Photo by 17th Recon Sqdn - Make a square print 3 Parachutes in the air in center smoke. Tank farm and lighthouse just to the right of where these 3 'chutes will come down"
"Parade ground and adjacent area strewn with abandoned parachutes - Landing Zone A - 503rd RCT Paratroopers - Theatre at extreme right, at end of parade ground - Photo by 17th Recon Sqdn. It was from this print that Bob Peace, of Georgia, claimed…
"Landing Zone B - 503rd RCT Paratroopers - Looking down on C-47 w/chutes over tank farm - Good view of lighthouse and tank farm - Photo by 17th Recon Sqdn (Copy made w/ Print Shop Camera)" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Invading Corregidor. In May, 1942,…
"Parade Ground - wide area - a few abandoned 'chutes - looking east. From Lantern Slide via Bob Flynn - 503rd. Claimed by Signal Corps - but undoubtedly taken by 17th Recon Sqdn"