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  • Tags: Geelvink Bay
"Turret of Jap Tank on the beach at Biak"
"Japanese well drilling rig being used in the 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn camp area on Biak"
"Japanese well drilling rig - left behind - Being used by U.S. forces - Biak" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Well Drillers. To find a fresh water source for washing and bathing, unidenitified men of the 17th Squadron Utilities Section quickly learned to…
"Japanese well drilling apparatus left behind as they were driven back. Being used by U.S. to drill a well for fresh water at 17th Tact. Recon Sqdn camp site at Biak Island - Dutch New Guinea"
"PHOTO GUNNER Sgt Earl E. Powers on KP - Pots & Pans In the Air Force, even Sgts 'pulled KP"
"17th Tact. Recon Sqdn enlisted men washing their mess kits - Coleman immersion heaters kept water Very Hot in clean metal garbage cans" Mess Hall in background.
"Fred Hill, Sergeant, on KP" From "Darkroom Soldier": "New Guinea KP. Sometime during the summer of 1944, Martha delivered this photo and caption information to her local newspaper: 'Stationed with a photo reconaissance group of the Army Air Force is…
"A detail of men have just moved a latrine seat box into position over a pit that required dynamite to dig. The box is a 10 holer - two rows of 5, back to back. A V-10? 17th Recon Sqdn" From left to right: John Kapp, John Nasca, Clifford Jones,…
"LATRINE SOCIAL Just finished installing the Officer's Latrine - Biak" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Testing, 1,2,3... Ready for any comic relief when their work is finished, enlisted men try out the officers' new latrine. Seated, left to right: Clifford…
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