"1949-50 - Sock and Buskin Players" Professor Al Kaiser serves as the Advisor for the Sock and Buskin players group. [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "Sock and Buskin" section.]
"1949-50 - Phi Beta Sigma - National Honorary Education Organization. Joy Keyes, Dawn Steltenpohl, Varina Almack, Leona Hatwan, Barbara Johnson, Ferman Warnock, Vernon Reynolds, Ed Merriman, Ellen Herrman, Hisako Kido, By Bender, Robert Eddy." [Photo…
"1949-50 Theta Delta Phi - Men's Scholastic Honor Society. Members: Row 1: By Bender, Herman Lawson, Henry Hall, John Gernhardt, James Lockett, Danny Danforth, Bob Albritton, Dave Johansen, Morris Richardson, Kirby Wallace, Vernon Reynolds. Row 2:…
"1949-50 - F.T.A. [Future Teachers of America] Officers: Hisako Kido, Jim Brewer, Jim Kenny, Marjorie Coiner, Ellen Herrman." [Photo appears in the 1950 Mountaineer yearbook, "F.T.A." section.]