Written on envelope: "Japanese preliminary envoy members - (from the 2 'Betty' bombers) climbing aboard a C-54 for the long flight from Ie Shima to Manila"
Written on envelope: "Japanese preliminary envoy members - (from the 2 'Betty' bombers) climbing aboard a C-54 for the long flight from Ie Shima to Manila"
Written on envelope: "Japanese preliminary peace delegation boarding US C-54 for long flight to Manila. Ie Shima air strips were not equipped to handle C-54's and no boarding steps were available. The ladder was the best available"
"Japanese delegates transferring to US C-54 for trip on to Manila - No steps were available for C-54's on Ie Shima. Not a deliberate insult! From "Darkroom Soldier": "Awkward Climb to Peace. The airstrip at Ie Shima was not equipped to accommodate…
"41st Division 1941 - There was a huge Corps Area review staged on Ft. Lewis proper - negatives by Bob Spencer with Fred Hill's speed graphic camera from top of water tower"
"41st Division 1941 - There was a huge Corps Area review staged on Ft. Lewis proper - negatives by Bob Spencer with Fred Hill's speed graphic camera from top of water tower"
"41st Division 1941 - There was a huge Corps Area review staged on Ft. Lewis proper - negatives by Bob Spencer with Fred Hill's speed graphic camera from top of water tower"
"41st Division 1941 - There was a huge Corps Area review staged on Ft. Lewis proper - negatives by Bob Spencer with Fred Hill's speed graphic camera from top of water tower"