"Aug. 12, 1911 - The Ford automobile, driven by R.P. Rice of Seattle, winning the hill-climbing contest race between it and a Franklin, driven by A.C. Smith of Walla Walla, purse $2,000. The race started at the bottom of Vonderahe Hill and finished…
"Aug. 12, 1911 - The Franklin automobile driven by A.C. Smith [with Tuttle] of Walla Walla in an auto race between a Ford and a Franklin, purse $2,000. The race started at the bottom of Vonderahe Hill and finished at Tollgate, 17 miles up the hill.…
"Aug. 12, 1911 - The Ford automobile driven by R.P. Rice of Seattle in an auto race between a Ford and a Franklin, purse $2,000. The race started at the bottom of Vonderahe Hill and finished at Tollgate, 17 miles up the hill. It took 35 min. for the…