Browse Items (29 total)

  • Tags: United

1989 Fire Station, USFS 6
"La Grande, OR USFS Fire Station 4-18-89. Meeting/waiting room - Ground level."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 5
"La Grande, OR USFS Fire Station 4-18-89. Main reception area - 2nd level - Adjoins the main control room."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 4
"La Grande, OR USFS Fire Station 4-18-89. Interior shot - main bldg."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 3
"La Grande, OR USFS Fire Station 4-18-89. Interior shot main bldg."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 2
"La Grande, OR USFS Fire Station 4-18-89. Exterior shot at main bldg. Summer '86 fire season, 9,000 USFS personnel used this control ctr. for area fires."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 14
This picture was taken from in front of the Main Building, and looking out towards the runway and "Tanker Base."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 13
"La Grande, Oregon USFS Fire Center. 4-18-89 Main Bldg & Storage Bldg (small building by green van).

1989 Fire Station, USFS 12
"La Grande, OR USFS Fire Station. 4-18-89 Main Control Room - faces east toward runway & tanker base. On second level of main bldg." On the wall above area maps, "La Grande Fire Center."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 11
"Main entrance to main building looking west. Bldg faces east. Two more aisles like this on either side of this."

1989 Fire Station, USFS 10
"La Grande, OR USFS Fire Station 4-18-89. The Reverse end of one of the large meeting rooms - Main bldg."
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