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  • Tags: Place

Elgin, The Arch Place (copy)
"Elgin Scenes 1920-1925 - Owl Drug Co. - The Arch Place"

Elgin, The Arch Place
"Elgin Scenes 1920-1925" Storefronts in Elgin, Oregon, including a drugstore called, The Arch Place, selling Owl Drug Company products.

1986 Employee, Brett Timm 06
"9/1986 - Brett Timm, Blue Mt. Market Place, Business Ag pictures" -

1986 Employee, Brett Timm 05
"9/1986 - Brett Timm, Blue Mt. Market Place, Business Ag pictures" -

1986 Employee, Brett Timm 04
"9/1986 - Brett Timm, Blue Mt. Market Place, Business Ag pictures" -

1986 Employee, Brett Timm 03
"9/1986 - Brett Timm, Blue Mt. Market Place, Business Ag pictures" -

1986 Employee, Brett Timm 02
"9/1986 - Brett Timm, Blue Mt. Market Place, Business Ag pictures" -

1986 Employee, Brett Timm 01
"9/1986 - Brett Timm, Blue Mt. Market Place, Business Ag pictures" -
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