"View of mountains from the Last Chance Mine near Cornucopia, Ore. Sitting on a rock are: Mrs. Mentle and daughter, Evangeline and Ella Frank - circa 1914."
"9.21.14 L.P. [Probably date and initials for photographer, Lawrence Panther.] From Summit to Mill - Last Chance tramway - Last Chance Mine near Cornucopia, Ore. - Sept. 21, 1914."
"Standard Con. Mines Co.'s Cobalt Mines - circa 1901-1903 - Main Tunnel, Willie Boy Tunnel" and "Standard Tunnel" are noted. "Grant County, Quartzburg District. East of Dixie Creek."
"Sanger Mine tunnel interior, Baker County, Oregon - circa 1894. Dan Hayes, foreman," using a pick axe. [Note the candle providing light in the bottom, left side, corner of image.]